Welcome to SensorySolutionsWindsor!

Find your child’s next sensory solution by browsing our collection of the best sensory toys!

  • At Sensory Solutions, I am dedicated to making a difference in the City of Windsor for kids and adults who have a disability with my safe and high-quality sensory toys.
  • Our online store offers a sensory solution for all of your child’s needs with the best sensory toys made for immediate sensory relief for those who need them most.
  • Click below to read more on our weekly Blog!
happy kid child smiling happy with sensory soundproof bluetooth headphones for autism and sensory overload

Our Best Sensory Toys Help Solve:

  • Calming behaviours
  • Redirecting behaviours
  • Initiating behaviours
  • In-school and at-home behaviours
  • Kids go between school and home easily
visual inforgraphic of happy chiildren and how sensory toys help with behaviours

We Have the Perfect Toy!

    Our company has a collection of the best sensory toys in Windsor!

  • Browse our products to see how they will benefit you!
  • Find us on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about our safe and high-quality sensory toys!
  • Visit our Blog about parents and their sensory journey
  • Join our Facebook Group below dedicated to parents on their sensory journey!

Our Sensory Toy Collection

timer clock with visual for time management adhd and autism

Visual Timer Activity Helper

Using this high-quality sensory toy the “Timed Activity Helper” helps demonstrate the exact time left for a particular task or activity.

fidget toy items for sensory toy box

Sensory Fidget Toy Box

This toy box is the holy grail of fidget toys! Within this box, we offer the perfect multi-sensory mix of different fidgets and sensory toys

toys for emotional communication skills

Little Big Emotions Bean Bags

Communicate feelinsg and emotions easily! We made it easy for kids to show, explain, or communicate their feelings and emotions with our Little Big Emotions Bean Bags.

sensory chair spinner for stimming

Motion Sensory Body Stimmer

Try our lightweight Motion Sensory Body Stimmer today! We are currently offering 20% off this sensory toy!

sound proof headphones for sensory releif

Soundproof Sensory Relief Headphones

Take control of your environment today with the holy grail of affordable soundproof headphones!

Thank You Windsor Cycle Brew!

    Windsor Cycle Brew located in Windsor, Ontario has offered a very generous donation to Sensory Solutions Windsor.

    Starting the 1st of June, Windsor Cycle Brew will be joining us every Saturday in Windsor, Ontario so children with autism or any physical limitations can ride bikes with us!

    We have a collection of Adaptive bikes and adaptive tricycles specifically designed for our special friends with physical and developmental disabilities. Join us for these events and lets Windsor Cycle Brew and Sensory Solutions Windsor provide an enhanced sense of freedom and mobility for free! We are serving lunch and will have many photo opportunties so you can keep this memory for a lifetime.

  • Find more information about Windsor Cycle Brew and send them a thank you!
  • Shop adaptive bikes and adaptive tricycles from Windsor Cycle Brew below!