Category: Assignment #2

  • Assignment #2-Part B-Question #7

    Master The Domain: 10 Ways You Can Master Time Management for Digital Classes – Say Goodbye to Burnout Today! Rationale: I wanted to create something more lighthearted and fun to read or scan but also effective in targeting first-year students of this program. I wanted a fun and attractive title to grab attention and used… Read more

  • Assignment #2-Part B-Question #6

    Create a headline for an article about this program targeted at graduating high school students. I am specifically not telling you what to do or the questions that need to be asked. Please explain what you did, why, and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks). … Read more

  • Assignment #2-Part B-Question #5

    Now you are going to apply what you have learned in class. As per the class discussion, please provide me with three different headlines for the story (article in Question #4) and outline your reasoning(s) and explanation for each. Please ensure you base your answer on the different elements of headlines we spoke about in… Read more

  • Assignment #2-Part B-Question #4

    As discussed in class, why do you feel Headlines are so important in web content? Please provide me with another headline you clicked on recently (submit the exact headline including a screenshot) and outline in detail why you clicked it. In question #2, I asked why it resonated with you. For this question, why did… Read more

  • Assignment #2-Part B-Question #3

    As per the headline in Question #2, was the headline representative of the article? Please explain your reasoning in detail. (4 Marks) Based on what we discussed in class this headline represents the article very well and has many of the elements that create a good headline including clarity, relevance, power words, uniquely stands out,… Read more

  • Assignment #2-Part B-Question #2

    Find one (1) headline that you came across recently and thought it was great. Explain why it resonated with you. Please ensure that you base your answers on topics discussed in class. (6 Marks) “Ozzy Osbourne Regrets Nothing About Standing Up to Kanye West”  Rolling Stone, February 27th, 2024 This headline caught my attention immediately… Read more