Assignment #4 – Question 2

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2. This is a multi-part question. Please create a visual post for your blog on a topic specific to your business and answer the questions below. This involves critical thinking. What is important to your business and visitors? The image must be the focal point of the post telling the story or conveying a point. You may include multiple images. The goal is to visually convey a message with minimal text. Please pay attention to what was discussed in class. (4 Marks)

a.) Why did you choose the specific image(s)? (3 Marks)

My goal for these images was to show the benefits of these toys for parents and kids. To tell a story with these images to make them the focal point of my post for my business and achieve my goal of this post, I needed real images of children who have a disability. Using images of kids with very realistic disabilities shows that my business considers real disabilities like autism, Down syndrome, and ADHD and shows that this post has the credibility to speak on the topic of behaviors and how our toys can solve them – by doing this I am speaking directly to my ideal audience of parents. 

I chose an image with a child using a “Pop-it” fidget toy because it shows one of my products and sends the message that your child can play with it and be very happy. This image can be persuasive to children who see it and want to play, and parents looking for a sensory toy solution for their children’s behavior. This image evokes a very happy emotion which is what every parent wants their child to feel and why I used this image right away as the “Hero shot” image in the header because my audience will decide if this post is worth their time within seconds. 

My second image is of a child who has a disability learning with someone beside them helping. This image speaks to my audience of parents and potential educators as well because the majority of children with a disability use the educative and emotional support of an adult constantly at their side to learn. This shows my audience that these products are not just for children to use independently but alongside their parents or educators as well which makes this image very attractive and eye-catching to this audience. Using images of children with real disabilities also shows parents who have children with a disability that this post is about their children and this post holds the solution to the problems that many of these parents deal with which is wanting the best toys for their child’s behavior and cognitive development. 

My last image at the bottom has a similar reasoning to the image mentioned above because it shows a parent or educator alongside a child who has a disability. This image is used to support the text beside it which explains some of the benefits of sensory toys that parents may or may not know about. This image helps me achieve the goal of this post because it speaks directly to the parent by sending the message that parents can spend time with their child and play or learn together easily and seamlessly. The child in this image is very engaged in their activity which can be an impossible task for parents and one of the problems they’re experiencing which is why parents would find this post very appealing and worth their time.

b.) Explain in detail why the image(s) was beneficial for the post. (3 Marks)

My goal for this post was to show the benefits for children and parents from using my sensory toys, and how they can benefit my ideal audience from their use, I wanted to persuade parents to purchase my toys by telling a story about the real benefits for kids who have a disability. I wanted to use minimal text and pick images that create emotion, grab attention, and communicate my message alone with few supporting words. 

The images I chose are beneficial for the goal of my post because each image was chosen to speak to my specific audience of parents who have a child with a disability. These images achieve my goal because they are of kids with more serious but very common disabilities like autism and Down syndrome, children with these disabilities are not often represented in media and other companies have failed to speak directly to the parents of these children so I made sure that my post included these children specifically. Having their problems be noticed or recognized makes parents feel seen and heard and convinces them to take a certain action and find their solution. I included my website at the bottom so viewers know where to take action. I wanted to communicate a message that my products can be very beneficial to parents- but those are just features of the products. What I am trying to sell is the idea of being able to play and spend time with their child very seamlessly and create a fulfilling experience that parents don’t always get easily. I used these images to sell this exact idea because these images communicate a personal message without using any words and can evoke a feeling of relief and happiness because my products can solve their problem. I know that viewers are not guaranteed to look at my text, but they will look at the images, which is why these images are a perfect way to sell the idea of a solution to parents and communicate the message that there are many benefits for children and their parents when buying these toys. 

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