Assignment #2-Part B-Question #7

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Master The Domain: 10 Ways You Can Master Time Management for Digital Classes – Say Goodbye to Burnout Today!

Rationale: I wanted to create something more lighthearted and fun to read or scan but also effective in targeting first-year students of this program. I wanted a fun and attractive title to grab attention and used a play of the word “Domain” about owning your power and mastering your abilities which can be used as a power word but also a funny remark to the fact that we discuss domains and hosts to great length this semester and briefly during SEO in the first semester as well – so this joke would be relevant and funny to the first years. One thing that I have learned from this year and first year is that figuring out how to prioritize time management is the key to success and I would have found a lot of interest in an article about time management that relates directly to my program and specifically the digital courses throughout it. I used the number 10 because we have learned that users love and now expect to see very few simple steps online that can help and achieve their end goal. Creating an ordered list allows for the use of an F-pattern on an article and the “10 Ways to” in the headline would be necessary if I were to use an F-pattern for simple article reading. I used the keywords “Time Management, Digital Classes, and Burnout” to increase my website’s headline visibility for any relevant searches from a user regarding time management, digital classes, or burnout. If someone is experiencing burnout or symptoms of burnout and is in this program, they could also be offered this article because you can find information similar to this about your target audience using Google Analytics. Burnout is extremely common for those in college, and I remember how crazy the first year was. I used the action/power words “Master, You, 10 Ways You, and Say Goodbye!” to get the user excited and continue to the linked article to read more. My goal from this headline was to increase clicks and gain impressions so action/power words that relate to the visitor’s problem would increase this opportunity for clicks. I understood the problems these college students experience and provided them with the solution at the initial contact point of my website article – the headline.

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