Assignment #2-Part B-Question #2

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Find one (1) headline that you came across recently and thought it was great. Explain why it resonated with you. Please ensure that you base your answers on topics discussed in class. (6 Marks)

“Ozzy Osbourne Regrets Nothing About Standing Up to Kanye West” 

Rolling Stone, February 27th, 2024

This headline caught my attention immediately for many reasons, the two artists mentioned are very honorable and high-listed mentions, and an unexpected pair of people to be having problems, as well as the context of Ozzy having to “Stand Up” for himself against Kayne West. Ozzy Osbourne has always been a very important artist, and his music has inspired me to no end. I have always had an attachment to rock music and Ozzy is a legendary artist in his specific music industry whom I believe should be protected at any cost. In my opinion, rock music is historically legendary and can never be remade with the same value it originally had to its fans. The fans of Ozzy in the 1970s when “Iron Man” came out are not the same as those who are fans of Kanye West today in 2024. This article is about Kanye West attempting to use a sample from Iron Man by Ozzy Osbourne in his new album “Vultures 1” and did so without properly asking Ozzy or gaining legal or even civil rights to his music at all. In response to Rolling Stone when discussing this matter for this article Ozzy has said “Well, nobody else would fucking do it, did they?” which is correct; nobody would ever and has never tried to attempt such disrespect and foolery so what makes it acceptable for Kanye to do it? I have asked myself this question several times while reading this, which is why I think the headline for this story is perfect and great. If Ozzy and his wife Sharron had not stood up right at that moment and went public with the situation, Kanye West would have used the sample and set the record straight for other modern rap artists that it is okay to steal music samples from people who aren’t making music anymore, or in Kayne’s eyes – artists that don’t matter and aren’t relevant anymore. Kanye using this sample would have destroyed everything that Ozzy worked for and dedicated his life and career, to because Ozzy does not get a check from the number of people listening to Kanye’s new song, only Kanye and Ty Dolla $ign who made no effort in the creation and legacy “Iron Man” would receive a check. I believe the fact that I had so many questions after reading this headline proves it is a perfect headline that is attractive and appealing to those who know about Ozzy Osbourne and his music and understand the impact rock music once had and still has today. Rock music in my perspective is like an ancient artifact held in a museum that should stay untouched and left in its original integral form.

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