Assignment #1 – Part B – Question #3 (a, b, c)

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For the purpose of this question, we are going to view your first blog post (Part “B” Question #1) as an
introductory online campaign. Please answer the following questions:

a. What is your intended goal and why? (3 marks)
b. Who are you writing for and why? (3 marks)
c. What type of “Experience” will you be creating for the visitors? Please explain and justify your
reasoning. (2 marks)

A.) My Intended Goal

My goal for this company is to assist parents in finding their child’s next-best sensory solution because I understand that managing a specific behavior may often become difficult and stressful when trying to understand fully what your child needs. Our sensory toys can bring joyful sensory relief to children and adults who have a disability and help them understand how their actions affect the world around them.

I believe those who have a disability should always have easy access to the right affordable toy that is tailored to their specific needs and behaviors regardless of their age or living situation. Parents should never have to worry about a toy’s safety for their children to swallow or chew on and should be free to do whatever they’d like with the toy without the fear of it breaking.

We use real stories from real parents and the actual scientific reasoning behind sensory toys to back up all of our products to get right to the point. We want to reassure parents with a sensory solution and not stress them out any further.

B.) Who I Am Writing For

I am writing for those who take care of someone with a disability. The parents and guardians are often not considered or thought of because their child requires high patience and constant attention but the parents are the most important piece to the puzzle of having a child with a disability.

Parents are the door between what their child can accomplish between the hours at home and school. My sensory toys are used as a seamless redirecting tool throughout the entire day are equipped for in-school use, and can be used the same way at home as well so the child can switch between school and home much easier.

C.) The Customer Experience

My website makes it seamless for customers to view my products, understand their purpose, and purchase all in one place. Customers can discover my blogs about kids and adults with disabilities, and I include written stories from parents and educators discussing their journeys and experiences for others to see. My website allows customers to discuss my different products and their benefits fellow parents can find trust in our real-time reviews and understand the scientific reasoning behind our toys.

I provide as much information as necessary for parents to find their next Sensory Solution.

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