Assignment #2-Part B-Question #6

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Create a headline for an article about this program targeted at graduating high school students. I am specifically not telling you what to do or the questions that need to be asked. Please explain what you did, why, and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks). 

My ChatGPT Prompt

Hello ChatGPT, I am working with the Advertising and Marketing Communications Management program at St. Clair College in Windsor Ontario to create an article about how amazing the program is and why high school students should apply to this program. I am asking you to help me generate 1 headline for an article on the program website about the program. This program has a lot to brag about and the current students feel extremely proud of their accomplishments and can’t imagine being anywhere else. The main goal of this headline is that we want graduating high school students to apply to this program.

The information about this program I would like to highlight is that “90% of our grads are employed within 6 months, pursuing careers in Windsor, and beyond” 

The target audience for this headline is graduating students in high school who are looking to see what the next step in their lives is. This audience likes to spend hours of their time on interactive social media. This audience is most likely overwhelmed with the number of programs and post-secondary school options but please reassure these students that this is the program for them. 

When creating this headline you should act as a website content and SEO developer, and it should be written using an F-Pattern format structure and written using plain language writing. The keywords that you can use in the headlines are “St. Clair College, Advertising and Marketing Communications Management program, Graduating Students, and Apply Now” You do not have to use all of these but they are the most important part of the headline, and should be included somewhere. Can you also include power/action words that would make a viewer want to click on the headline and read more about the program or apply directly to the program? 

Thank you so much ChatGPT!

My Response From ChatGPT

“Unlock Your Future: Join St. Clair College’s Advertising and Marketing Communications Management Program – Where Success Begins for Graduating Students! Apply Now for a Thriving Career in Windsor and Beyond!”

Rationale: To begin generating this prompt I evaluated everything I learned from Part A of this assignment and found what was useful when generating this prompt, and what was not useful. I used my same initial introduction in the conversation with ChatGPT to give context about who I am and what I am asking of ChatGPT. I asked for one headline that had the same business goal which was to get students to respond to this headline and decide to either apply to the program or read more about it through accessing where the headline came to them. For insight about the information I wanted to include, I had learned previously that less is more when you have high-quality valuable information so I included from the program highlights what I believe to be the most important aspect of this program and because this context can offer “a future” to high school students graduating and looking for their next step. The program highlights that I found to be most useful were “90% of our grads are employed within 6 months, pursuing careers in Windsor, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, and many more.” instead of including the long list of different cities, I changed the statistic to “90% of our grads are employed within 6 months, pursuing careers in Windsor, and beyond” to keep this point brief and simple. ChatGPT likes to read simple text and the shorter this valuable info is, the more likely I can use it in the headline. Knowing that the general public does not read and just scans the page – shortness and importance of context were key when identifying the most important aspect of this headline. I used the same general target audience as my prior prompts which was “…graduating students in high school who are looking to see what the next step in their lives is. This audience likes to spend hours of their time on interactive social media. This audience is most likely overwhelmed with the number of programs and post-secondary school options but please reassure these students that this is the program for them.” I also used the same last paragraph about the specific styling and details because the requirements for the quality and structure of the headline did not change and will never change. These are the key elements to creating good headlines and include; using F-Pattern, plain-language writing, relevant keywords for SEO purposes, and action/power words that influence users into the sales funnel and help them decide if they want to take action and apply to the program or click the headline to read more about the program. 

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